All faculties especially FPBU, FKP, FPQS, FSU, FEM.AskZad is the first and largest Arabic digital library that offers an extensive referential, cultural and academic database.

FPSK & FPgClinicalKey provides quick access to full-text medical and surgical resources, including ebooks (textbooks) and journal articles.

CLJ Prime
FSUCLJ Prime database contains a vast pool of legal information includes cases, articles, practice notes, legislative forms, and legislation.

All facultiesA general database containing journal articles in various subjects and fields.

Ebscohost Dentistry & Oral Sciences Sources (DOSS)
FPgDOSS offers top dental and oral sciences journals commonly purchased by dental schools and related institutions.

EBSCOhost : Medline Complete
FPSKFull-text database of biomedical and health journals that offers access to 1,536 active full-text medical journals plus serves as a valuable research tool for physicians, healthcare practitioners, and scholars alike.

FSUWorld’s largest image-based legal research collection and contains more than nine centuries of legal history especially from Canada, Uk and US.

All faculties especially FKP, FPQS, FPBU, FEM, FPSKProvides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

FSUProviding an Online Library of Malaysian Laws which contains the AUTHORITATIVE text of the Laws of Malaysia such as parliament act, e-gazette, and many more. Kindly login your OPAC account for ID and Password.

Lexis Malaysia
FSUOnline authoritative sources which are relied upon by legal professionals such as Halsbury’s Laws of Malaysia, Malaysian precedents and Forms, Atkin’s Court Forms Malaysia, etc.

ProQuest Central
All facultiesGeneral online database that provides full access to journal articles, theses and dissertations in various fields and subjects.

Sage Journals Online
All facultiesContains leading international peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of subject areas, including business, humanities, social science, science, technology and medicine.

FST, FPSK, FKABProvides subscription-based access to a large database of scientific and medical research.

ScienceDirect e-Books
FST, FPSK, FKABThere are 233 e-book titles subscribed by USIM Library covering the fields of Agricultural Science and Biology.

Wiley Online Library
Provides abstracts and full-text articles from academic journals covering the subject areas of marketing, library management, human resources, and etc.

Emerald Insights
Provides abstracts and full-text articles from academic journals covering the subject areas of marketing, library management, human resources, and etc.

Largest abstract and citation database containing both peer reviewed research literature and quality web sources. Also, it provides tools to track, analyse, and visualize research output.

Springer e-Books
SpringerLink is an integrated full-text database for journals and books published by Springer. Only publication books for 2012 were purchased by the USIM Library.