Should you have any enquiries regarding online databases subscription, please do not hesitate to call Cik Aishahtun Abdul Majid at 06-798 6231 or send an email at
skZad provides multiple databases in Arabic language such as; AskZad ebooks: contains more than 24,000 digitized books, AskZad Journals: contains indexes for more than 700 journals, 191 journals of them available in Full Text, Pan Arab Peer-Review Articles: contains more than 10,000 peer-review articles in both Applied and Social Sciences, Pan Arab Dissertations and Arab Conference Proceedings: contains almost 7000 dissertations and covers approximately 50 Middle Eastern conferences.
Exp. Date : 31st May 2017
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ProQuest Social Science Journals provides access to a variety of scientific journals. The database includes over 480 titles, with more than 260 available in full text. It provides information on hundreds of topics, including addiction studies, urban studies, family studies, international relations, etc.